We count our last warm days and hold onto them, knowing the cold weather will be here way too fast.

If you want to extend the life of your garden and get a jumpstart for next spring so your garden or lawn is as healthy as it can be, here are a few chores you can do now:

Lawn care:

1. Continue with regular mowing. If you usually bag and dispose of clippings, stop. Leaving clippings on the lawn will provide extra nutrients for the long winter months.

2. Check your lawn for diseases and pests and address if needed. Look for brown spots, which could be caused by yellow chinch bugs or disease.

3. Early September is the best time to overseed your lawn. This helps keep your grass healthy, lush and green. After mowing, de-thatch with a thatch rake, taking care not to damage your existing grass. Then apply a good quality grass seed, rake lightly to help seeds settle into soil and water regularly over the next week or so to help seeds germinate.

Garden care:

1. Divide and transplant perennials like peonies, daylilies and irises late in the month, if needed.

2. Deadhead as needed to prolong the life of annuals and perennials.

3. Prune your summer flowering shrubs and trees.

4. Fertilize shrubs and trees

5. Pick your vegetables and herbs in early morning. This is when their sugar content is the highest.

6. Cut tops off tomato plants and remove new flowers in order to divert energy to fruit already growing.

7. Freeze excess vegetables and herbs for use all winter long.

You’re now ahead of the garden season for next spring.

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